Read what the CCAs have to say

I play the Pipa in the Chinese Orchestra and I am the senior Sectional Leader in the Plucking Section. On Tuesdays, we have sectional practice where we learn from instructors. On Fridays, we will gather in the music room for our combined practice.

I like my CCA because we have caring teachers and friends who are willing to help one another. We are like a big family.

My fondest memory was the time when I performed on stage. I was nervous but I enjoyed the process of performing beautiful music together as an Orchestra.


I joined the International Dance CCA when I was in Primary 3. Subsequently, the CCA merged with Chinese Dance CCA to form Contemporary Dance CCA. I had never thought about joining a dance CCA when I was younger but after joining this dance, I changed. Dance became my love and passion. In these four years, I was able to hone my dance skills and made many friends during my CCA sessions. I also learnt and practiced values like responsibility, resilience and most importantly, teamwork.

We would usually start our CCA sessions with warm-ups which include stretches, splits and bridges. After the warm-up, the instructor would train us on the specific movements of the dance item. I feel a great sense of accomplishment whenever we learnt the full dance choreography and dance to the music accompaniment in our costumes. One of my fondest memory was the first time my teammates and I wore our costumes for our performance. We were thrilled and chattered and giggled excitedly about the shiny gold costume during our training, much to the dismay of our instructor. It was hilarious!

My teammates and I have created many beautiful dances and moments together. These are precious memories which I would cherish forever.


I feel proud to be in such a CCA where I can enjoy myself and produce a good performance. Being in this CCA, I had plenty of opportunities to work with peers as a team. We shared lot of sweet memories working together.

There is this one particular incident is still vivid in my memory. When we represented Pioneer Primary School for SYF 2018, we had many intensive dance sessions. In this challenging period, we looked out for each other and rendered help whenever needed. Finally, the day came where we had to showcase our best performance on stage. We were at the UCC hall, all excited and nervous at the same time. We kept going through the dance steps in our mind, at the same time putting on a confident smile to motivate each another. I must say that we did a splendid job by dancing gracefully on stage. Though we knew we did our best, we were worried about the results. Then, the results came in. We achieved Certificate of Distinction! I simply have no words to describe how we felt at that very moment. My peers and I were literally over the moon. After all the tough times of practices, we were relieved that our hard work had paid off. This is something I can never forget as I get to experience as how it feels to achieve something as a team.


I always look forward to the Malay Dance practice sessions with my fellow dance members from other classes and levels. On top of the regular practice sessions, I love the termly team bonding sessions as that was the time we get to know one another better. We also had fun playing team bonding games. Learning new dance routine can be a challenge but we persevere and press on. My dance instructors, teachers and team members always look out for one another just like families do. One of my fondest moments would be when I was selected to be in the SYF 2020 team. We had intensive but memorable practice sessions.


In our CCA, we had activities such as scout uniform origami, making a flower using a plastic bag and other handicrafts. We also learnt how to tie different survival knots, cook, pitch a tent and design posters and bookmarks to promote conservation of water and energy. I really like this CCA because we get to learn life skills. We also learn important values such as teamwork, care and responsibility.

My fondest memories was when I was in Primary 4. We went on an excursion. First, we went to the Singapore Army Museum. We saw the tanks, cannons and guns. We learned about the history and what the soldiers did. After that, we walked to the Singapore Discovery Centre and learned about Singapore's important figures and their past. There were a lot of games to play and it was very interesting. I learned a lot from the trip and had a lot of fun.


I feel that Wu Shu CCA is good for us, physically and mentally. In the CCA, I get to learn different moves and routine and practice resilience.

One of my fondest memory was when I first get to hold my very first weapon. My friends and I started imitating movie actors in their fighting scenes. However, our happiness was short lived. Our teachers saw us and stopped us immediately. We were reprimanded for not being aware of the danger these weapons pose. Something I like about Wu Shu CCA is how the teachers and instructors care about our wellbeing. They make sure we do not hurt ourselves during the practice.

I have no regrets joining the CCA. I am sad about the merger as I am afraid I will not be able to see my teachers when I come back to visit. I also hope more people will join Wu Shu CCA in the years to come.


Toastmaster Society

As a member of the Toastmasters Society, I enjoyed the training sessions and learnt new skills like public speaking, basic journalism, debating and story-telling. Our trainers made the sessions interesting and fun through games and voice drills like chanting tongue-twisters and reciting poems. I always looked forward to the opening activity which would usually be a game to test how alert we were. My fondest memory was when I narrated the story Cinderella to the lower primary students. Through the years, I have grown to become a confident and eloquent speaker.


Chinese Orchestra

I play the Pipa in the Chinese Orchestra and I am the senior Sectional Leader in the Plucking Section. On Tuesdays, we have sectional practice where we learn from instructors. On Fridays, we will gather in the music room for our combined practice.

I like my CCA because we have caring teachers and friends who are willing to help one another. We are like a big family.

My fondest memory was the time when I performed on stage. I was nervous but I enjoyed the process of performing beautiful music together as an Orchestra.


INNO Science Club

During my CCA lessons, we usually discuss about problems like littering and using plastics in Singapore. We brainstormed on ways to help solve these problems. I like it when we discussed because we can share ideas to see if other people agree to our solutions. My fondest memory in my CCA is the time we had to create a game based on saving water.


Boys Brigade

I joined Boy's Brigade because I found it very interesting, being able to wear such an impressive uniform and doing fun activities caught my eye. My brother who is also from Boy’s Brigade told me many stories which encouraged me to join. I am currently in Boy’s Brigade for two years


There are many activities that help us grow better as a team. We learn to work together and resolve our differences. I really enjoy it when everyone is able to come together to do our part and pitch in. One such example would be our yearly Character Quest where we will complete tasks to reach our goals. I remember very clearly we had to navigate an unfamiliar place as a team to different venues, it was not easy at first but we managed to overcome the difficulties and pulling it off.

Through this CCA, I have learned many values and skills which will be important for my future!



I have been a member of the football CCA since I was in Primary 3. I joined under the encouragement of my PE teacher. Before joining football CCA, I had never really liked playing sports so much. This changed when I joined this CCA. Football became the driving force in my life. I would practice different football skills constantly during recess and on my free time to improve myself as a footballer. As part of our CCA, I get to play football matches together with my other CCA members. This is one of my favourite things that I enjoy doing very much. From these experiences, I learnt values like responsibility, resilience and most importantly, teamwork. One of my fondest memory of the CCA is when I played for the school team against other schools. We beat them and I scored the winning goal.



Infocomm Club

Creative Thinking? Logical Reasoning? Collaborative work? These are some of the essential skills that my CCA, Infocomm Club, provides which are useful in the 21st century. Leveraging on real-world problems, we brainstorm and design projects to create through coding to become reality online. My fondest memory resides within the walls of Computer Lab 2. The laughter, the squeals, the ‘Oooh!’ and the silence of fascinations are our best takeaways. I particularly love training sessions with mini drones when we try out different setups for our drones to complete challenges set by our trainer.



In Choir, there are many fun warm-up activities and games. We learn and sing different songs and sometimes even in foreign language to us. Besides singing, we play musical instruments like the boomwhackers and xylophones too. I like the Choir as I get to meet new friends who like to sing and we also get to play together during break time. My Choir teachers are also very kind and nice to us. My fondest memory of choir is when we get to go for musical exchange with other schools and performing in SOTA and Chijmes and last but not least, not forgetting the delicious food after our performances.


Art Expression

I enjoy learning different ways of making art in my CCA and I am also able to have fun with my friends while making art works. We explore the different genres of art and learned how to handle the materials. The teachers in my CCA are kind and helpful. I have been participating in the SYF for three times and the one that I enjoyed the most was the third time. We participated in the SYF as a team and shared our ideas with each other while having fun making the art work together. I do not regret joining the Art Expression Club CCA and I am sure the juniors wouldn't too.



During Netball trainings, we practise ball passing, shooting, short sprints and court play drills. We will also end our training with a full court Netball game. What I like most about my CCA is that the Netball games we played test our endurance and determination to “persevere and soar” - which is our CCA motto. Whenever I am on the court playing the game, I will always push myself to overcome my limit and looking back, I am proud of myself to be able to persevere. Scoring a goal through the hoop gives me a sense of accomplishment too. The fondest memory of CCA that I have is with my two friends. I remembered there was once we were playing in the same team and we cooperated so well. We all enjoyed that game very much! In the end, we went home together talking about it with great relish.


Girls Brigade

During our CCA sessions, we would do activities that would help us to learn important values like being responsible, honest and kind. Before the pandemic, we learnt to make towel dogs and butterflies. After that, we went to the old folks' home to teach the elderly to make the towel dogs and butterflies. We also sang a song to the elderly and they loved it. I like my CCA because I can always learn something new from the GB sessions. My fondest memory of my CCA was when we made paper roses when I was in primary two. Through a lot of time and practice, I managed to make a beautiful paper rose. I have learnt to be resilient and to never give up through this experience. Being resilient when trying new things is important because if you don't, you will not be able to achieve anything in life.



During our CCA sessions, we will train to maintain and improve on our athletic abilities like shot put and high jump. Before the end of every session, we will have a competition against members of other levels. It feels good if we do well, especially against our P6 seniors.

When there is a competition coming up, we practise for our competitions during our CCA sessions. My fondest memory is when I represented the school in the Singapore Sports School Invitational. I was one of the 3 P3s taking part in the relay, together with our P4 athletes. Our coaches and fellow teammates cheered for us and I was excited about the race and to be part of the team. Even though we did not win, I was happy as we came close to the winners. It was an unforgettable experience.


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